Halloween origin…The name Halloween means the holy night. Halloween (Feast of All Saints), is celebrated on one of the thirty-October which is in fact the celebration of the coming autumn. Halloween referred to as All Hallows Eve.
People celebrating Halloween are dressed as witches and ghosts, and the most common symbol for the Holiday Halloween is the pumpkin ( A pumpkin is a gourd-like squash of the genus Cucurbita). The ancient Aldroedion (Aldroedion were pious priests in ancient Gaul and Britain and Ireland) to have a great feast to celebrate in autumn which begins in the middle of the night before the first and the thirtieth of October and extends through the next day, the first of November.
This is an evil night when spirits roamed the streets and villages. On which it is believed that the great god of death and the Lord of Darkness, called Saman, lord Saman calls in this night all the evil spirits that have died during the year to resume life in the bodies of animals as a punishment. Of course, just the idea of this gathering was enough to scare simple people at that time. They dressed in witches and ghosts , light huge bonfire so they can watch and control these evil spirits. Hence, from here , the idea started that witches and spirits come back to life on Halloween. And still there are people in a specific isolated areas of Europe believe that this is true.
Holiday was originally very simple and Halloween is celebrated in the church most likely. But across Europe, people look to the occasion as an opportunity for fun and excitement, to tell the stories of ghosts and to scare each other. So instead of being devoted to the celebration of autumn, has become a suitable and dedicated to the myths of witches and spirits.
There are some strange habits that have arisen in connection with Halloween: stealing held gates, furniture and signs, to make people believe it was stolen by the evil spirits and of course no one can close to the cemetery on Halloween because the rise of life on this night.
Carving pumpkins is a traditional and fun part of Halloween. Pumpkins symbol for the Halloween are commonly carved into decorative lanterns called jack-o’-lanterns for the Halloween season.