The high holidays are over and the Jewish holiday of Sukkot is upon it way to us – in no time it will be here. It’s a harvest festival a Jewish Feast of Tabernacles and during this time many Jewish families construct a sukkah “huts” in their yards, on their balconies, or outside communal apartment buildings, for the holiday in remembrance of the Jewish ancestors when there was a time they spent wandering for forty years in the desert on their way from Egypt to Israel before reaching the Promised Land. It’s one of many Jewish’s favorite holidays – and their kids’ too. The word sukkot is the Hebrew word for”booths” – temporary huts that Jews build outside, and eat there (and sometimes sleep there) for a week.
Technically, Jews are commanded by the Rabbinic law to “dwell” in these huts to live, sleep, and eats for all seven days of the festival, but in practice most modern Jews do not actually sleep in the sukkah, they just eat their meals in them(though some do), it is used instead as a special outdoor dwelling place. It would be fun for Jewish families to teach their children the meaning of the Sukkot by building a miniature sukkah in their yards, or on their balconies, for the holiday, one that they could construct themselves (with a little guidance from their parents).we posted some lovely ideas to help you go along and inspire you for the holiday.