Easy Chinese lantern Crafts for Lunar New Year Holiday Home Décor

The New Year celebrations around the world vary from country to another, and that is according to the type of calendar it is celebrated through. Chinese New Year celebration begins on the night of the lunar year that ends on the first full moon of New Year and it is not a single night like the Western New Year’s Eve or the eastern New Year….it is a festival that lasts two weeks. As every New Year has a traditional decoration symbol, does the Chinese New Year, it is manifested in the Chinese lanterns which are beautiful symbols of joy and hope. The wonderful thing about the Chinese lanterns aside their traditional decoration symbol is being an everyday home decoration… before, during and after Chinese New Year celebrations that create cozy and relaxing atmosphere. You can also get inspired to decorate your home using some of our past articles Chinese New Year 2015 Inspiring Creativity & Ideas and 25 Cool Orange Fall & Thanksgiving Decorating Ideas with Chinese Lanterns to help get you started. Check out the designs below and enjoy.

Chinese lantern Crafts for Lunar New Year Holiday Home Décor (1)

Chinese lanterns are inexpensive and attractive, they create cozy and relaxing atmosphere with their unique Asian accents. Also Chinese lanterns are wonderful crafts and help positive energy to be activated all zones in the house. Making Chinese lanterns with Kids for your kitchen, dining room, your bedroom, home office, entryway and back yard, are great decorating ideas for Chinese New Year celebration to create beautiful decorating holiday accents atmosphere that everyone will enjoy making Chinese New Year crafts. The Chinese lanterns made of rice paper, silk or nylon, contemporary cloth in great options for creating indescribable holiday decor during Asian festivals and lunar New Year celebration. Tiny and giant outdoor magic of colorful and bright lanterns in the shapes of grasshoppers and dragonflies or decorated with motifs of plants, flowers, butterflies animals and mythical scenes are hanged along the streets to make lunar New Year celebrations unique and meaningful.
Chinese lanterns look unique and extravagant; you can see them hanged in streets and with people strolling with their own lantern lights look impressive and festive. Chinese lanterns are very light in weight that they are easily carried; this is one of many advantages for using them in interior decorating experiments. Chinese lanterns have a universal appeal and add a warm ambiance to room decor. Chinese lanterns can adorn any living space exterior or interior no matter which event you use Asian lanterns, – Christmas, Valentines Day or eastern or western New Year celebration; they make your party and holiday decor look unique, bold and memorable. Check out the designs below and enjoy.

Chinese lantern Crafts for Lunar New Year Holiday Home Décor




Chinese lantern Crafts for Lunar New Year Holiday Home Décor









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