Mapping the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S and worldwide

Mapping the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S and worldwide…This is a sad time to our community; thus, this post is not to frighten you, it may help you why STAY AT HOME. Because people often pass the virus to others before they even know they have it.The virus  have been responsible for many  cases.


According to Washington post this is the map of coronavirus spread Updated March 27 at 3:26 a.m. Unfortunately, The U.S. total confirmed cases of coronavirus have exceeded China, Italy, Spain and Germany. Now it became the highest in the world. The coronavirus had gone through a mutation state, causing a new coronavirus to form. Sadly, there are rapid growth in the number of known cases.


On 11 February 2020, WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID-19 and had declared it as a pandemic on March 11 as the disease infiltrated countries all over the globe. “We are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity — and by the alarming levels of inaction,”said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.




State Confirmed cases Change from Wednesday Deaths
New York 39,125  8,284 +27% 454
New Jersey 6,876  2,474 +56% 81
California 4,019  1,021 +34% 82
Washington 3,207  616 +24% 150
Michigan 2,844  548 +24% 61
Illinois 2,541  676 +36% 26
Florida 2,484  802 +48% 29
Massachusetts 2,417  579 +32% 25
Louisiana 2,304  509 +28% 83
Pennsylvania 1,795  535 +42% 18
Texas 1,639  410 +33% 22
Georgia 1,505  258 +21% 56
Colorado 1,430  409 +40% 19
Tennessee 1,097  181 +20% 3
Connecticut 1,012  137 +16% 21
Ohio 868  164 +23% 15
North Carolina 744  154 +26% 3
Wisconsin 728  107 +17% 10
Indiana 645  168 +35% 17
Maryland 583  158 +37% 4
Missouri 520  166 +47% 9
Alabama 517  136 +36% 1
Arizona 508  107 +27% 8
Mississippi 485  108 +29% 6
Virginia 468  72 +18% 10
South Carolina 456  32 +8% 9
Nevada 420  97 +30% 10
Utah 396  56 +16% 1
Minnesota 344  58 +20% 2
Arkansas 335  55 +20% 2
Oregon 316  50 +19% 11
District of Columbia 267  80 +43% 3
Oklahoma 248  84 +51% 7
Kentucky 247  50 +25% 5
Iowa 179  33 +23% 1
Kansas 172  38 +28% 3
Rhode Island 165  33 +25% 0
Vermont 158  33 +26% 9
Maine 155  13 +9% 0
Idaho 146  55 +60% 3
New Hampshire 137  29 +27% 1
New Mexico 136  23 +20% 1
Delaware 130  11 +9% 1
Hawaii 106  15 +16% 0
Montana 90 0
Nebraska 74 0
Puerto Rico 64 2
North Dakota 57 0
Alaska 56 1
Wyoming 53 0
West Virginia 52 0
Diamond Princess 49 0
South Dakota 46 1
Guam 45 1
Grand Princess 28 1
U.S. Virgin Islands 17 0
American Samoa 0 0
Northern Mariana Islands 0 0


























Country Confirmed cases

Change from Wednesday

U.S. 85,505  19,727 +30% 1,288
China 81,782  121 0% 3,291
Italy 80,589  6,203 +8% 8,215
Spain 57,786  8,271 +17% 4,365
Germany 43,938  6,615 +18% 267
France 29,566  3,966 +15% 1,698
Iran 29,406  2,389 +9% 2,234
Britain 11,812  2,172 +23% 580
Switzerland 11,811  914 +8% 191
South Korea 9,241  104 +1% 131
Netherlands 7,469  1,031 +16% 435
Austria 6,909  1,321 +24% 49
Belgium 6,235  1,298 +26% 220
Canada 4,046  795 +24% 38
Turkey 3,629  1,196 +49% 75
Portugal 3,544  549 +18% 60
Norway 3,370  286 +9% 14
Brazil 2,985  431 +17% 77
Sweden 2,840  314 +12% 77
Australia 2,810  446 +19% 13
Israel 2,693  324 +14% 8
Malaysia 2,031  235 +13% 23
Denmark 2,023  161 +9% 41
Czechia 1,925  271 +16% 9
Ireland 1,819  255 +16% 19
Luxembourg 1,453  120 +9% 9
Ecuador 1,403  230 +20% 34
Japan 1,387  80 +6% 47
Chile 1,306  164 +14% 4
Poland 1,221  170 +16% 16
Pakistan 1,201  138 +13% 9
Thailand 1,045  111 +12% 4
Romania 1,029  123 +14% 23
Saudi Arabia 1,012  112 +12% 3
Finland 958  78 +9% 5
South Africa 927  218 +31% 0
Indonesia 893  103 +13% 78
Greece 892  71 +9% 27
Russia 840  182 +28% 3
Iceland 802  65 +9% 2
India 727  70 +11% 20
Diamond Princess 712 0 0% 10
Philippines 707  71 +11% 45
Singapore 683  52 +8% 2
Panama 674  231 +52% 9
Argentina 589  202 +52% 12
Peru 580  100 +21% 9
Slovenia 562  34 +6% 6
Qatar 549  12 +2% 0
Estonia 538  134 +33% 1
Egypt 495  39 +9% 24
Croatia 495  53 +12% 3
Colombia 491  21 +4% 6
Dominican Republic 488  96 +24% 10
Mexico 475  70 +17% 6
Bahrain 458  39 +9% 4
Serbia 457  73 +19% 1
Iraq 382  36 +10% 36
Lebanon 368  35 +11% 6
New Zealand 368  163 +80% 0
Algeria 367  65 +22% 25
UAE 333 0 0% 2
Lithuania 299  25 +9% 4
Armenia 290  25 +9% 1
Morocco 275  50 +22% 11
Bulgaria 264  22 +9% 3
Hungary 261  35 +15% 10
Taiwan 252  17 +7% 2
Latvia 244  23 +10% 0
Uruguay 238  49 +26% 0
Costa Rica 231  30 +15% 2
Slovakia 226  10 +5% 0
Andorra 224  36 +19% 3
Jordan 212  40 +23% 0
Kuwait 208  13 +7% 0
San Marino 208 0 0% 21
North Macedonia 201  24 +14% 3
Tunisia 197  24 +14% 5
Ukraine 196  51 +35% 5
Bosnia 191  15 +9% 3
Moldova 177  28 +19% 1
Albania 174  28 +19% 6
Vietnam 153  12 +9% 0
Burkina Faso 152  6 +4% 7
Cyprus 146  14 +11% 3
Malta 134  5 +4% 0
Ghana 132  39 +42% 4
Azerbaijan 122  29 +31% 3
Brunei 114  5 +5% 0
Kazakhstan 113  32 +40% 1
Oman 109  10 +10% 0
Venezuela 107  16 +18% 0
Sri Lanka 106  4 +4% 0



105  6 +6% 0



What happens after you recover from coronavirus and WHY STAY HOME.
What can you do if you have coronavirus.
Dealing With Diseases In Islam
5 Phases Of The Epidemic Coronavirus – COVID-19
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