The Best Nature Crafts and Nature Art Ideas that use Materials Found in Nature ;

Go outside and look around you: the universe is full of many different craft materials. From twigs, leaves, flowers, pieces of bark, chestnuts, acorns, stones, to plant seeds … it is countless universe gifts.

Crafts from natural materials can be made on any occasion and at any time of the year. The most best time of the year for this category of crafts is autumn. After all, nature with its stunning colors and gifts of autumn inspires our creativity children and adults.

In autumn you find all combinations of colors, the leaves turn yellow and red, chestnuts peek out of prickly hats, acorns ask for pockets … the season itself inspires us to “create something beautiful”.

But other seasons too, give us materials and inspiration for crafts made from natural materials. In winter, you can “work” with snow and ice. Spring has its own inspirations, where you get pleased with twigs, buds, flowers, and puddles. Summer has another shift, it is the time of shells, painted pebbles, “secrets” of flowers and leaves.


Natural Crafts Made from LEAF 

Walking along with your child collect beautiful and colorful bouquet of bright leaves. This beautiful and colorful bouquet of bright leaves is your material to do crafting projects with your child. Here you’ll find some awesome ideas to get started with. Even if the leaves dried out, this will not affect your work. After all, the spines of a hedgehog can stick out in different directions.


And in order to make a comfortable home for a mouse, in addition to leaves, you will need some oatmeal to the mix can be quite helpful. While the kids work on “warm the mink”, teach them how the rodents are preparing for the winter. The understanding of the natural life cycle is a useful information for general development and interesting information processed while doing the activity.


An other simple application with leaves – just bring them to life with the help of a peephole! It is useful for children to widen their imagination, develop fine motor skills and attentiveness.

Help them to draw half of the leaf’s image whatever the size and shape is. They can collect different kinds of leaves, recreate the missing half through drawing! This activity is not only educational but also enjoyable for kids.

Draw the Missing Half

Beautiful dried flowers

In addition to autumn leaves, dried flowers are another natural material for crafts. Collect different types of flowers … dry beautiful spikelet’s, small flowers so you can decorate a homemade postcard with them.

Natural Crafts FROM TWINGS 

Make your own Stickman

Are you familiar with the fairy tale by J. Donaldson “Chelovetkin” as most of us do? Then you will certainly want to make the main character of this cute story …”Stick Man”. To make the character you will need some thin branches. I assure you; the kids will be delighted to playing with their own Stick Man …Chelovetkin and recite his words: “No! I’m not a stick! Let me in! Stop! I am Chelovetkin! Smart, alive!


Another fun craft for both kids and adults are using dry twigs, small sticks to make a stork nest. Both kids and older children would like to make this craft. this activity encourage their imaginations while growing their creativity as well.

Natural Crafts from beans and cereals

Beans, peas, various seeds, and cereals are useful in craft making projects. With the help of these natural materials, you can decorate the tortoise shell.

tortoise shell

Looking for another challenging craft idea… this is an engaging activity that will keep your older kids entertained atleast for hours? Look no further on homemade colored paper and turtle decorating! via creativebaby.

Once their paper is ready, cut out the turtle details and decorate it with a wide variety of materials you have at home, from glitter and sequins to paint and markers. The possibilities are endless!


Not only will this activity keeps your kid busy for a long time, but it will also help them develop their imaginations, creativity, dexterity, and artistic skills.






When you go to the forest, in addition to cones and twigs, collect some moss. It looks beautiful and can be used to decorate many craft projects. If you decide to make fabulous wall art, then moss is definitely wanted.

And of course, natural treasures such as acorns, cones, branches, horse chestnuts, leaves, seashells, etc. are wonderful material for all kinds of children’s crafts! They can be transformed  into animals, men, garlands, home decorations, baskets, and other wonderful things .

Walking with your child on the street too, has its advantage or in the park, walking along the river or sea, drawing your child’s attention to the beauty of nature and its benefits. Develop children’s fantasy and imagination with the richest natural material free of charge and eco-friendly elements are always available.  Do not miss the opportunity to open your children’s eye to see all the magic of the world around!


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