Unusual Christmas Décor Painted by Kasha Harmer

Unusual Christmas Décor Painted by Kasha Harmer …It is that time of the year again we families get to gather beside the tree pleasant giving and receiving gifts and off course you want something unusual at home on Christmas this year. Most of us are tired of the standard red-green-and-white palette or the other color combinations as green and silver or golden ones for the holidays. Then welcome to the unusual paint draws inspiration for Christmas from the London’s decorator; London Kasha Harmer!

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (18)

Kasha Harmer paid much attention to a creation of a special line on mixing too many colors at once. For her mixing too many colors at once seems there is no in appropriation or causing too many shades of interiors still brilliant using the most unusual colors. Why not?! Today we offer a selection of beautiful unusual Christmas Décor Paint photos by the decorator Kasha Harmer. Get inspired. Once you are done, have a look at some of our past articles to help get you started, 70 Stylish Christmas Décor Ideas In Grey Color and French Chic and Holiday Interiors In The Work Of Brent Darby Enjoy and happy holidays!

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (6)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (1)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (4)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (5)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (7)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (13)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (16)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (14)


Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (19)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (15)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (8)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (2)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (9)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (11)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (12)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (10)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (17)

Unusual Christmas paint by Kasha Harmer (20)


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