Dominica: The Caribbean “Nature Island”

Dominica is an island in the Caribbean Sea officially called the Commonwealth of Dominica. Located in the eastern Caribbean, north-northwest Guadeloupe, to the southeast Martinique. Its size is about 300 square miles and the highest point in the country is Morne Diablotins, which has an elevation of 1,447 meters (4,747 ft). The Commonwealth of Dominica has a population of 72,500 people, mainly of African with about 20,000 living in the capital Roseau.
Dominica is renowned as the last of the Caribbean island that resisted European colonization until the 18th century, due chiefly to the fierce resistance of the native Caribs, it came under French control, then it ceded possession to Great Britain in 1759 thus the island became a colony in 1805. Christopher Columbus named the island after the day of the week on which he spotted it, a Sunday (dominica in Latin), November 3, 1493. It took more than three centuries until it was colonized between that Dominica remained isolated, and Caribs settled there after being driven from surrounding islands. France formally ceded possession of the island of Dominica to the United Kingdom in 1763 which made the island a colony in 1805.
Dominica is One of The Caribbean treasure, it has been nicknamed the “Nature Island” because its unspoiled natural beauty full of spectacular, lush, and abundant flora and, home of many rare plant, animal, and bird species protected by extensive national parks. Dominica– was green long before anyone heard of eco-tourism, and one of the safest places in the region. The most features lush mountainous rainforests of the Lesser Antilles; Dominica is located between Guadeloupe and Martinique in the West Indian Windward Islands group of volcanic origin, ranging with several peaks of lava craters approaching 5,000ft. Dominica boasts 365 rivers a river for each day of the year. Waterfalls, lakes and the second-largest thermal active hot springs in the world are in abundance.
Dominica is for Nature lovers beside other activities such things as scuba diving, whale and dolphin -watching cruise, bird watching and enjoining the natural springs at Papillote Wilderness Retreat, the botanical garden and Morne Trois Pitons National Park — A UNESCO World Heritage Site there is a lot of which any one can enjoy in Dominica… and more.


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